General Administration (GA)

The General Administration Division provides the support services required to facilitate the efficient functioning of all other Divisions in the Ministry of National Security. This Division has responsibility for ensuring that Government’s policies and programmes are implemented by the respective Divisions.

For a full list of the Units that comprise the General Administration Division, please click here.

Several Statutory Boards, Advisory Committees and Similar Bodies also fall under the purview of the General Administration Division, as listed here

Main Office

Temple Court 1
31-33 Abercromby Street, Port of Spain
Telephone: 623-2441-5

Temple Court 2
52-60 Abercromby Street, Port of Spain
Telephone: 627-1032/ 625-2864/ 625-7554

Waterfront Complex, Tower C
Ministry of National Security, General Administration, Floor 20, Tower C
Waterfront Complex, 1 Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain
Telephone: 625-5878/ 224-4667