The Electronic Monitoring Unit

The Electronic Monitoring Unit (EMU) has been established within the Ministry of National Security, with the purpose of implementing and maintaining a system for electronic monitoring in accordance with Section 6 (1) and (2) of the Administration of Justice (Electronic Monitoring) Act No. 11 of 2012.

The system uses technology to monitor the movements of certain categories of offenders, on a continuous basis, via affixed ankle bracelets. The devices function using Global Positioning System (GPS).

The main responsibilities of the Unit are to:

  1. Provide real time tracking of the location of persons placed on electronic monitoring on a 24/7/365 day basis;
  2. Report any alarm notifications, signal loss or device malfunction;
  3. Exercise control of all monitoring information;
  4. Maintain a register of decisions transmitted to it by the Court or other competent Authority;
  5. Undertake the fitting, maintenance and removal of devices and collaborate closely with the relevant stakeholders in the criminal justice system and other stakeholders as is deemed appropriate.

Electronic Monitoring is one of the major initiatives being implemented with the aim of transforming and modernizing the criminal justice landscape in Trinidad and Tobago. The Electronic Monitoring System is intended to contribute to the overhaul of the Penal System in Trinidad and Tobago by introducing a new sentencing option to the court as an alternative to incarceration, and as a condition of bail for certain charges, including domestic violence and sexual offences.